Ancillary Task (Poster) Research - Artemis

- These two images show the main characters and their painful expressions indicating to the audience that this is a dramatic love story. They are also more a less the same size, so one is not dominating over the other, which implies they are equal.
- The title font is typewriter like which relates to the film because in it the protagonist male character writes the protagonist female character a letter using a typewriter. It also gives a hint to the time period. The type of font I think we should use would be a calligraphy type font because in our film we have a letter using it and it would connect the film and poster.
- In the bottom image we can see the male is wearing a green outfit and bag implying he's in the army and also he looks dirty which emphasizes this. This suggests to me that this is what the story might be about. The two lovers separated by war..
- I like the idea of doing something similar in our poster because it connects the two characters. Plus in the title you can see an image of another character suggesting that this story might involve a third party.
- We can see that this film is from the director of 'Pride and Prejudice' which is a period drama too so this again suggests it was not set in modern day.
- I can see from the poster it is based on a book which tells me the targeted audience is more likely to adults because they would be more likely to have read the book. Also it seems to have war in it, which would be more appropriate for adults.

- The overall layout of the text and background is quite messy which indicates that is how her life is..
- From this shot we can also see her in her natural surroundings which seems to be her bedroom. The drawings on the wall and rips tell me that she is perhaps lower class because it looks quite old and dirty.
- Because the character is also looking away and out what seems to be a window, I get the impression that she is dreaming of better things because she has this longing expression on her face yet we can see she is unhappy with what might be her current life.
- It also suggests that this is a social realist film because of the bright, slightly desaturated colour telling me that the audience it's targeted for is more likely to be lower/middle class and British because they could relate more.

- The smart font and dark background suggest this film is a thriller or drama. This is also reinforced by the body language and facial expressions of the 3 characters. Their costumes are quite smart and the dark shadows on the males face suggest he is out for vengeance or is angry..
- 'Thrilling', 'A Masterpiece' and 'Spellbinding' also imply that this is a thriller or perhaps drama.
- This film is based on a 60's novel which tells me that it is more likely to be targeted towards adults because they would have read the novel. It also explains why the women are standing behind the man, because in the 60's women we were still came after the men.
- The ratings being from well known and popular British newspaper show the audience it is a British film as does the background and title.
good artemis. i have been impressed by you throughout the process. you have really applied yourself well and atlast you begin to show your true potential.