Tuesday, 1 February 2011


    Our film is going to be set in the 1930's so we need to take into account how women and men were represented in those days. 
    • The dominant ideology was that women were very much 2nd class citizens to men and society didn't accept the working mother - only the working spinster. 
    • Society's expectation was that a woman's only goal in life was to marry, reproduce, cook and clean. This was reinforced by images in the media of women doing households jobs with a smile on their faces. 
    • This is why we have decided to have the Father character, George make the heartbreaking decision of sending his son away to a mental institution and pretending he had died. Women in this time period didn't have much of a voice and this represents that. 
    • The Mother character, Myrtle will also be seen as the stereotypical housewife and we will make this clear by having her cooking and cleaning and being at the house all the time whereas George will be absent for some scenes and it will be assumed that that is because he is at work.

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