Monday, 31 January 2011

Analysis of scenes in our film Jenny Allan

Enigma Code 

They raise questions in the viewers mind 
In our film we would want these questions to be raised: 
- Why did George keep it a secret from Myrtle?

- Why did he pretend Benjamin died? 

- Whats wrong with Benjamin? 

- What happens after Myrtle finds Benjamin? 

Restricted Narration 

This is when the character knows as much as the audience the examples we have of this are both parents don't know what is wrong with their son. However, the audience know what George has done with Benjamin but Myrtle doesn't. 

Character Construction  
This is how we are going to communicate our characters through the use of Mise en Scene and Camera Work: 

- Lighting is going to be quite bright but the colour will be de-saturated this will give it a more dramatic and sinister tone. 

- Extreme close ups going to show something is really wrong with Benjamin 

- Some of the flashbacks we are going to have we have decided to have them in slow motion to make more of an impact and making sure it really connects with the audience. And it shows the bond between Myrtle and her son. 

1 comment:

  1. A start but more detail reqired.

    How do you create a sense of restricted narration throgh construction - in this case i guess its parallel editing ?
